The following items have been shared with the Association by Bobbie Grew who bought them recently (Jan 2021) at an auction. Consequently the story is lacking some detail about Sgt Webb’s career. You’ll see from the captions on the following pictures that he may have been RCAF and appeared to be 42 years of age on completion of his tour of operations.
Sgt Webb was a Flight Engineer who flew 30 operations on Lancasters at RAF Waddington with 467 Squadron RAAF between 20th October 1944 and 17th April 1945.

His highly detailed and magnificently written up log book records his initial training flights from early 1944 and his later fully qualified participation in many of the most famous raids of WW2 in which 467 Sqd (5 Group) were heavily involved.

Sgt Webb’s usual Lancaster “U” Uniform was piloted by F/O Ivan Lillecrap, DFC.

Every raid against many of the most heavily defended targets in Germany is carefully recorded with great detail with notes of individual targets attacked and bombs dropped. Also included are weather and cloud observations and comments on the flak and searchlight defences.

Sgt Webb took part in two unsuccessful raids on the Urft Dam (cloud) and was also present in the 1st wave of the now infamous 1000 bomber “Fire Storm” raid on the City of Dresden on 13/14th February 1944 in which over 50,000 people were killed.
Sgt Webb also flew in the Famous “S” for Sugar Lancaster when it served with 467 Squadron. The aircraft is now on display at the RAF Museum, Hendon.

467 Sqn Summary